

Visible Frequencies / VF ^

Handwoven / Hand-dyed textiles

ABOUT THE ARTIST // Taryn Slawson ( 1985 ) currently Santa Fe, NM

As a self-taught weaver, Taryn’s practice serves as a meditative exploration of what it is to be electrically sensitive in our modern world. Her woven patterns are an expression of her felt experience navigating life with an acute awareness of energies that often escape the notice of others. Taryn’s textiles encompass a body of work that includes fine art to functional objects and furniture.

Taryn describes her experience of being electrically sensitive as an internally overwhelming and chaotic feeling, an energy that she attempts to transmute into a more grounded and coherent expression, via the loom. 

Living with this sensitivity has led Taryn to embrace a simpler way of living less dependent on the conveniences of mainstream technologies. Living her life somewhat out of context with the pulse of society, she is drawn to the deliberate and unhurried repetitions of working by hand. Taryn constructed her own loom unique to her weaving process, and prefers the slowness of her hands-on technique over other types of looms. The patterns that she weaves are bold and oscillate with an energy suggesting an endless vibrational field that extends beyond the confines of her woven canvases. She views her works not individually, but rather as a collection of interwoven frequencies; a non-verbal and continuous personal dialogue. 

For more information on EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) please explore the “links” page

Taryn is available for site-specific / commissioned work.